But that's how you have to work to stay sane. I don't have time, so you'll have to wait another week to get paid." Just felt wrong. I'm an empath, and I wasn't happy with what I was doing. If you get emotionally involved at all, its soul crushing. It creates a culture of only seeing the clients as numbers. Otherwise they are off work and have no income. If you have any empathy for the clients, you don't want to let them down as they're relying on you to process their claims timely. But in doing so you end up falling behind and it becomes a performance issue. They tell you to "just clock out" at the end of your normal day. By the time I left, I was so overwhelmed that I was putting in 12 hour days, 7 days a week. Making things worse and perpetuating the cycle. This creates a workplace of mostly new employees who don't know what their doing. The turnover is insane because most people can't or won't put up with the job for long. Which sounds great, but you'll have to work long hours to keep on top of your caseload. You'll be salaried unless you're in the call center.

The job is very monotonous for the most part so once you get the hang of how to process a claim, they're all very similar. If job security is your concern, this is definitely not the place for you. The company also participates in outsourcing to the Philippines and will let existing American citizens go. They merely offer a temporary job and a pay check, not a long term career Employees are not valued and the high turnover reflects this. My advice keep looking and don't even waste your time applying. Having Matrix on your resume will actually make your job search harder if you are looking to leave. If this is the type of environment you would like to work in feel free to apply, if not keep looking. They cover things up in order to make themselves look good and you cannot trust anyone in that company. Management is sneaky and will lie straight to your face. If they want to bring in a relative or a friend they will let an existing employee go to make room for their family member or friend. Workload is ridiculous, pay is not competitive, no chance for advancement regardless your qualifications unless you know someone or are related to the right people.